
作者:wangchaowh 时间:24-02-21 阅读数:53人阅读




1. Can:这是最常用的表达方式,表示“能够、可以”。例如:

- I can speak English.(我会说英语。)

- Can you help me with this?(你能帮我吗?)

2. Be able to:这个表达方式更加正式,可以用在更正式的场合。例如:

- I will be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.(我明天能参加会议。)

- He was not able to finish the project on time.(他没有能够按时完成这个项目。)

3. H *** e the ability to:这个表达方式比较口语化,可以用在非正式的场合。例如:

- I h *** e the ability to work under pressure.(我有在压力下工作的能力。)

- She has the ability to make people laugh.(她有能让人们笑的能力。)




1. Giant panda:这个表达方式更加详细,强调了熊猫的大小和重要性。例如:

- The giant panda is an endangered species.(大熊猫是濒危物种。)

- The zoo has a pair of giant pandas.(动物园有一对大熊猫。)

2. Panda bear:这个表达方式比较口语化,把“panda”和“bear”结合在一起。例如:

- My daughter loves panda bears.(我女儿喜欢熊猫。)

- The panda bear is native to China.(熊猫是中国的本土动物。)



- Noun: The panda is a symbol of China.(熊猫是中国的象征。)

- Adjective: She likes to wear panda socks.(她喜欢穿熊猫袜子。)

1. Giant panda:这个表达方式强调了熊猫的大小和重要性。例如:

- The giant panda is a national treasure of China.(大熊猫是中国的国宝。)

- The giant panda is a popular attraction at the zoo.(大熊猫是动物园的热门景点。)

- The panda bear is a cute and cuddly animal.(熊猫是一种可爱的、逗人喜爱的动物。)

- The panda bear is known for its black and white fur.(熊猫以其黑白相间的毛发而闻名。)

总之,“panda”是最常用的表达方式,而“giant panda”和“panda bear”则是一些更加详细或口语化的表达方式。