
作者:wangchaowh 时间:24-06-21 阅读数:35人阅读



1. 失去(Lose)


- I lost my phone yesterday.(我昨天丢了手机。)

- She lost her job last month.(她上个月失去了工作。)

2. 丢失(Lose)


- I lost my keys somewhere in the park.(我在公园里把钥匙丢了。)

- He lost his wallet on the way to work.(他上班路上把钱包丢了。)

3. 输掉(Lose)


- Our team lost the game 2-1.(我们队以2-1输掉了比赛。)

- He lost the race to his younger brother.(他输给了他的弟弟。)

4. 浪费(Lose)


- Don't lose this opportunity to learn something new.(不要错过这个学习新知识的机会。)

- We can't afford to lose any more time.(我们已经浪费了太多时间了。)

5. 减少(Lose)


- She has lost her confidence after the failure.(失败后,她失去了信心。)

- The company is losing customers due to poor service.(由于服务不好,公司正在失去客户。)
