
作者:wangchaowh 时间:24-03-09 阅读数:67人阅读




1. Could I h *** e a glass of water, please? (我能请你给我一杯水吗?)

2. I’d like to order a pizza. (我想订一份披萨。)

3. Can you lend me your pen? (你能借我你的笔吗?)

4. I need to take a day off tomorrow. (我明天需要请一天假。)

5. I’m looking for a good book to read. (我正在寻找一本好书来读。)

6. Would you mind passing me the salt? (你介意把盐递给我吗?)

7. I want to buy a new car. (我想买一辆新车。)


1. No, thank you. I don’t want anything to eat. (不用了,谢谢。我不想吃什么东西。)

2. I’m sorry, I can’t go out tonight. (对不起,我今晚不能出去。)

3. I’d rather not talk about it. (我宁愿不谈这个话题。)

4. I don’t need any help, thank you. (我不需要帮助,谢谢。)

5. I’m not interested in watching that movie. (我对看那部电影不感兴趣。)


1. Could you please help me with my homework? (你能帮我做作业吗?)

2. Would you mind opening the window? It’s a bit stuffy in here. (你介意开窗户吗?这里有点闷。)

3. Can you give me a ride to the airport tomorrow? (你明天能送我去机场吗?)

4. I’d appreciate it if you could send me the report by tomorrow. (如果你明天能把报告发给我,我会很感激。)

5. Could you remind me to call my mom later? (你能提醒我晚些时候给我妈妈打 *** 吗?)


1. I’d rather you didn’t *** oke in here. (我宁愿你不要在这里抽烟。)

2. Could you please not talk so loudly? (你能不要说话这么大声吗?)

3. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you borrow my car. (对不起,但我不能让你借我的车。)

4. Please don’t interrupt me while I’m speaking. (请不要在我说话时打扰我。)

5. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make noise after 10 pm. (如果你晚上10点后不要制造噪音,我会很感激。)
