
作者:wangchaowh 时间:23-12-01 阅读数:70人阅读






1. 用于描述人或物的行为或状态:


- She stayed in bed all day.(她整天都待在床上。)

- The cat stayed curled up on the sofa.(猫一直蜷缩在沙发上。)

- I stayed at home and watched TV.(我呆在家里看电视。)

2. 用于描述某些情况下的持续时间:

- The party stayed lively until the early hours of the morning.(派对持续到凌晨,很热闹。)

- The sun stayed hidden behind the clouds all day.(太阳整天都躲在云层后面。)

- The snow stayed on the ground for weeks.(雪在地上停留了好几个星期。)

3. Stay也可以用于表示“保持”,“继续”等意思:

- Stay calm and don't panic.(保持冷静,不要惊慌。)

- The government is committed to staying the course on economic reform.( *** 致力于坚持经济改革的方向。)


1. She decided to stay in New York for another week.

- 她决定在纽约再呆一周。

2. The hotel was so nice that we decided to stay an extra night.

- 酒店太好了,我们决定多住一晚。

3. The dog stayed by his owner's side throughout the night.

- 狗整夜都守在主人身边。

4. The flowers stayed fresh for days in the vase.

- 花束在花瓶里保持新鲜好几天。

5. The chef stayed true to his recipe and the dish turned out perfectly.

- 厨师严格按照食谱做菜,菜肴做得非常完美。


1. Stay away from(远离):避免接近某人或某物。

例如:Stay away from the edge of the cliff.(远离悬崖边。)

2. Stay in touch(保持联系):保持与某人的联系。

例如:Let's stay in touch and meet up again soon.(我们保持联系,很快再见面。)

3. Stay on top of(掌握,了解):保持对某事的掌握或了解。

例如:You need to stay on top of the latest developments in your industry.(你需要掌握自己所在行业的最新发展动态。)

4. Stay put(待在原地,不动):不要移动或改变位置。

例如:Stay put and wait for help to arrive.(待在原地等待救援。)

5. Stay the course(坚持下去):继续推进某项计划或工作。

例如:We need to stay the course and see this project through to the end.(我们需要坚持下去,把这个项目做到底。)

Stay是一个常见的英语词汇,它的意思是“停留”,“逗留”,“留下”,“保持”,“继续”,“待在某个地方或状态中”。Stay可以用于形容人或物的行为或状态,也可以用于描述某些情况下的持续时间。此外,Stay还有一些常见的短语,例如“Stay away from”、“Stay in touch”等等。掌握这些用法和短语,将有助于提高我们的英语表达能力。